Rose Quartz- What You Need To Know

Rose Quartz is symbolic of love due to its notoriously famous pink coloration. This beautiful pink crystal gains its coloration from pink variations of borosilicate. Along with its pink coloration, rose quartz is typically a stone full of luster and translucent properties visually.

Rose quartz originates in mines all over the world, with varying levels of quality specific to each unique specimen. Many of the most popular pieces are from Brazil. Rose quartz has been dated back to jewelry from 7,000 BC and has a history amongst the Romans and Assyrians. Ancient Romans even used the beautiful crystal as a royal seal.

Rose quartz is particularly sought after not only for its beautiful coloration, rarity, and structure, but also because it has the wonderful property of being unharmed by light exposure. Most crystals suffer some degree of diminishment over time when exposed to light, but rose quartz does not fall victim to this. This makes rose quartz exceptional for collections and displays.

The divine feminine and maternal energy rose quartz possesses is typically associated with its gorgeous pink hues. Rose quartz is utilized as a therapeutic stone, enhancing love and romance for its owner. Love for family, friends, and lovers alike all benefit from rose quartz.

To find the best Rose Quartz in the world, explore with Gaea Rare.

Shungite- What You Need to Know

Shungite: Healing Crystal With Rare Properties
Shungite: Healing Crystal With Rare Properties

Shungite is one of the most sought after healing crystals in the world. Likely deposited here from an asteroid impact years ago, shungite is a carbon-rich healing crystal notorious for its exceptional properties.

Shungite’s composition is made up of fullerenes, which are 3-dimensional spherical molecules composed of 60 carbon atoms. These carbon-rich structures contribute to the healing properties of this crystal, and is exceptionally rare amongst most other comparable crystals. Another peculiar and rare property of shungite is that almost all elements of the periodic table are present in shungite.

Proper scientific research on shungite is lacking, due to its rarity and inherent obstacles to properly conduct experiments using the scientific method. Despite this, research that does exist on shungite bolster the fact that the fullerene content in shungite are what create the crystal’s benefits and properties.

Based on strong anecdotes or lightly researched scientific studies, shungite can kill viruses and bacteria, purify water, is a powerful antioxidant, reduces inflammation, and shields from electro-magnetic fields.

Shungite is useful for being a powerful healing crystal, is one of the blackest stones in existence, and is known for relieving stress and negativity. It has a rare and exceptional carbon content, and is historically used to cleanse everything from people to water sources. The primary source of shungite comes from Russia where some of the most elite shungite specimens originate. However, the recent war in Ukraine has made Russia a difficult trade partner, and in turn, makes sourcing shungite very difficult.

Luckily, any shungite hunters out there may be pleased to discover that recent finds in Colombia have produced bounties of quality, authentic shungite. On average, Colombian shungite is not as pure as Russian shungite, but there are still exceptional specimens that are coming to market. As these rare shungite specimens come from Colombia, Russian sources may be hard pressed to re-enter the market once the war in Ukraine cools.

Hunting for the best and rarest shungite currently available?

Stop by Gaea Rare, where our supplier-partners from Colombia have helped us curate the finest and rarest shungite currently on the market.