Legends and Legacies Trends Gala

Gaea Rare made a noteworthy contribution to the Legends and Legacies Trends Gala, held at the JW Marriott Camelback Inn in Paradise Valley, Arizona, on November 12, 2022. Their generous donation included a rare Colombia Mango Quartz valued at over $3000. The gala, benefiting the University of Arizona Cancer Center, honored influential women as trendsetters for their community leadership and volunteerism. The event featured entertainment from The 5th Dimension and recognized Nancy Berge for her outstanding community contributions. The proceeds from the gala supported the Biomarkers: 21st Century Approach to Cancer Research program, aiming to advance personalized medicine and improve treatment outcomes. The Trends Charitable Fund, organizing the event, has a long-standing commitment to supporting impactful programs for women, children, and families in need.